In 2000, we only had a tree-house, no power, no water and no-one else investing. We loved it and loved the adventure.

Sometimes 50+ villagers would come up to watch us eat. They eventually found this boring and stopped. Sometimes we’d run movies in Jati for the village. We tried several genre, but only Kung Fu was popular. Kids and adults butting their cigarettes on the marble floor, while Kerry fell asleep on the couch. No beer and the last three eggs went rotten. A marble delivery dumped to the sea in a storm. Nights in the long grass, filled with mozzies. Kerry learned why villagers prefer dirt over grass around their house.

Now the grass is manicured, the place is dry and the mozzies have gone. We’re a 4-star eco-resort and we love the restaurant, cocktails, A/C rooms … and the legacy of experiences we enjoyed so much 17 years ago.

You will experience a resort that has evolved in harmony with its surroundings and the local community friends, giving Heaven on the Planet its unique character and identity.


Many folks ask where the logo came from. After Kerry bought the land, he offered space for a NZ AID project. We bought many glass fish tanks and tried to breed Clown Fish (Nemo). So the logo has the fish jumping from the land to the sea. Then there’s the beautiful limestone cliffs and the Inside Ekas Surf break.
